5e. Sustainable consumption and consumers

Track Chairs:

Cecilia Solér .  University of Gothenburg, Göteborg.cecilia.soler@handels.gu.se

Roberto Merli. Department of Business Studies, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy roberto.merli@uniroma3.it




Goals and objectives of the track


Sustainable consumption and consumers are essential for the theme of this conference "Sustaining Resources for the Future". Sustainable consumption recognized as an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and defined as "the use of services and related products, which respond to basic needs and bring a better quality of life while minimizing the use of natural resources and toxic materials as well as the emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle of the service or product so as not to jeopardize the needs of further generations".


Research on sustainable consumption and sustainable consumer practice is critical to guide policy makers, business and civil society to in their work towards consumption that is environmentally and socially sustainable.
Consumers are increasingly concerned about sustainability issues and governments need to protect consumers from misleading information on sustainability in areas such as labelling, advertising and corporate reporting. New forms of consumption are arising, and their implementation requires a switch in customer value proposition and a radical change at societal and institutional level, to accompany consumers toward a functional service economy, unlinked from individual ownership.

Given this year's conference theme contributions should advance theory and outline implications for consumers, marketers, policy-makers, or other stakeholders.
This track welcomes papers on sustainable consumption and sustainable consumer practice using a multiplicity of   theoretical and methodological approaches and with connections to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Areas and potential topics in which contributions are sought include:


Advances in Sustainable Consumption & Lifestyles; Consumer engagement and environmental communication; Sustainable Lifestyles and Education; Emergence of post-consumerist lifestyles;
Impact of socio-economic status on sustainable consumption practices; Cooperating for increasing sustainable provisioning opportunities; Social innovation to facilitate sustainable consumption; Impact of Social movements on sustainable consumption


Consumers and stakeholders' information; Product environmental certification; Product eco-labelling and social labelling; Sustainable Public Procurement; Ethical investment and consumption; Marketing and sustainable consumption; Analysis of consumer preferences and attitudes, Sustainable Lifestyles and Education


Consumption and sustainable cities; Sustainable/Smart Cities and Communities; Sustainable Food Consumption and Food Waste Prevention; Sustainability and the transformation of agro-food systems; Sustainable Tourism, including ecotourism; Sustainable mobility


Performance economy; Sharing Economy; Collaborative consumption; Product-As-Service; Product-Service-Systems and their implication for sustainable consumption


You may submit your abstract by visiting the Ex Ordo abstract submission system (you will be required to setup an account first): http://isdrs2019.exordo.com
Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2018 31 January 2019


